Burnaby: Cable car plans nearing completion
Already in 2019, we reported on an urban cable car that is planned to connect the Simon Fraser University (SFU) campus on Burnaby Mountain with the SkyTrain of the Metro Vancouver Region (Canada). Now the plans have become more concrete as it advances through the final stage of planning.
The cable car project in Valparaíso is making progress.
The planned cable car in the Chilean port city of Valparaíso is progressing. Preliminary feasibility studies are currently being developed, and the date for the tender has also been set. Here’s what we know so far.
Bordeaux: A cable car over the Garonne?
Already realised in Toulouse, Grenoble and Brest, currently under construction in Paris. Will an urban cable car now follow in Bordeaux? The French city is planning a cable car that will make it easy to cross the River Garonne in future.
An urban cable car for chilean harbour city?
The city of Talcahuano has 148,440 inhabitants and is located in the agglomeration of Concepción in the Región del Biobío. The harbour town has a military and industrial character. And soon a cable car? In any case, the responsible ministry has proposed several cable car routes.
First the cable car, then the settlers
The West German city of Herne plans to convert a disused mining site into a technology park. The problem: the Blumenthal area is an isolated traffic island, surrounded by large railway facilities and existing buildings that make traditional transportation options impractical. Therefore, since the beginning of the project, the local government has been pushing for an urban cable car.
Salta discusses urban cable car
The Argentine city of Salta has grown significantly. Both the president of the San Bernardo Cable Car and the Secretary of Culture and Tourism of Salta are now considering alternative transportation solutions, with a primary focus on an urban cable car.