Cableway & Technology
Ropedays enter the seventh round
From September 27 to 30, 2022, OIPEEC and the Institute for Materials Handling and Logistics (IFT) of the University of Stuttgart invite you to the “Alte Stuttgarter Reithalle” of the Maritim Hotel Stuttgart.
The reason is the trade congress OIPEEC Conference 2022 or the 7th International Stuttgart Ropedays.
Renowned speakers will present the latest scientific findings in the fields of wire and fiber rope technology and report on their areas of application.
The organizers are looking forward to a lively participation of interested people from research and science, construction and practice!
In addition to interesting lecture topics, participants will have the opportunity to visit the rope laboratory of the IFT during a guided tour. The technical excursion on the last day of the event will round off the program. The event will be held in English.