That‘s what a cable car in the city can do!
Due to their special characteristics, cable-drawn systems fulfill traffic engineering functions particularly well and score in areas where many other means of transport cannot keep up.
Closing gaps
Cable cars are particularly well suited to closing gaps between traffic generators such as hospitals or business parks and distant other infrastructure. As a „connecting link,“ they complement the existing network and add value to the system.
Cable cars connect related but distant locations, such as on a campus, factory site, or trade show site. As parking garage shuttles, they also connect buildings with their parking spaces. Conventional modes of transportation such as shuttle buses are often too expensive and labor-intensive.
Cable cars overcome barriers that cannot be overcome by conventional public transport (train, subway, streetcar and bus lines) or only at very high financial cost. In addition to topographical obstacles such as mountains or rivers, separating transport infrastructures such as rail lines or highways can be overcome for a necessary network extension.
Creating new transport networks
Cable cars create a new transport network in urban areas without sufficient transport infrastructure by connecting several cable car lines.
Cable cars are a viable option to continue existing public transport routes.
Relieve congestion
Cable cars can relieve congested areas when conventional means of transportation and the given infrastructure reach their limits.
The trade fair with integrated Cable Car World congress aims to provide the trade public with all the necessary information about urban cable car systems in an understandable way, without already having a concrete project in mind. „So everyone who visits us at Cable Car World has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the system themselves,“ explain the initiators Gerald Pichlmair and Dominik Berndt. On June 21 and 22, visitors to Cable Car World in Essen will be able to obtain detailed information about the systems.
More information on the schedule and program of Cable Car World can be found at cablecarworld.com.