Cities, SI Urban 1/2020
San Francisco
POMA responsible for monitoring
Installation of the POMA cable car took only six weeks. If you count all the other steps on the way, such as design review, production, installation and commissioning, the entire project took two years to complete.
Nonetheless, the contract with the French manufacturer includes not only construction of the cable car; POMA has undertaken to monitor the system remotely for five years and to provide technical support within 24 hours in case of faults.
Salesforce Tower Seilbahn
- Lengt 45m
- Transport capacity 350 P/h/R
- Altitude difference 21 m
- Travel speed 1m/s
- Number of gondolas 1
- Gondola capacity 20 P.
- Stanchios 0
- Stations 2
Model for other projects
As unusual as the cable car to Salesforce Tower may seem, this solution could also have versatile uses in other cities. Wherever escalators or inclined lifts are considered, a small cable car could also be an alternative.
Such systems have no stanchions and can connect buildings in the truest sense of the word, as they are integrated into them. Besides: cable car journeys over public spaces in the busiest cities are simply spectacular.