SI-Urban, Tourism
Further development in Gujarat (India)
These projects are intended to boost the wellbeing of farmers, health and tourism. Although more specific details of the two former points were not provided at the press conference, more detailed plans were already in place. Among other things, a cable car around 2.3 kilometres long is to be constructed on Mount Girnar, near the city of Junagadh.
The mountain has important religious significance in Hinduism and therefore attracts thousands of visitors every year. In addition, one of the three peaks is dedicated to the Syncretic deity Dattatreya. The cable car should make the arduous pilgrim trail to the temple easier and thus allow access to the religious site for more people. The planned cable car is being lauded as the longest temple cable car in Asia.
The idea of a cable car on Mount Girnar has been around for a long time but it has previously always been delayed for various reasons. At the press conference, Narendra Modi pointed out that the tourism potential is great and that guests have long deserved the benefit of such a cable car project.