Cable cars and cableways function as an efficient means of transport in an urban setting. Find out more on our blog!

Review of the 2nd Ropeway Day

Cities, SI-Urban|

The FrankfurtRhineMain Regional Association in cooperation with Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences invited to the 2nd Ropeway Day in the Frankfurt region on May 10. Almost 100 experts from politics, universities and business discussed various topics related to the application of urban ropeways. One idea for connecting the cities of Frankfurt and Offenbach received special attention.

Indian Minister visited Innsbruck

Management & Tourism|

During his stay in Tyrol, India's Cabinet Minister for Roads and Transport Nitin Gadkari visited Innsbruck's Nordkettenbahnen. The interest of the visit is based on the fact that India is pursuing a program worth 15 billion dollars, which includes the construction of 260 ropeway installations to be completed in the next five years.

India’s minister of road transport and highways Gadkari interviewed by SI

Cities, SI-Urban|

Within the framework of Interalpin 2023, SI URBAN was able to talk to the Indian Minister of Transport, Shri Nitin Gadkari, about ropeway plans in India. The Indian government plans to develop over 250 projects with a ropeway length of more than 1,200 km within 5 years. Austrian and European companies are expected to play an important role in the implementation.

Future Mobility in Europe


The French city of Toulouse already has an urban cable car system, Téléo, which opened in May 2022. Now the capital is following suit and plans to open Câble A in 2025. But what impact do urban cable cars have on cities, especially from the perspective of sustainability? At Cable Car World 2022 in Essen, Vienna University of Technology presented facts an figures for these two cable car projects.

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