Cable cars and cableways function as an efficient means of transport in an urban setting. Find out more on our blog!

From the idea to the prototype

Cities, SI-Urban, Videos|

The upBUS is a hybrid mobility concept between a cable car and an autonomous bus service. The aerial tramway is to cover highly frequented routes in the inner city area, while the buses take over the fine distribution in the suburbs. A team from the RWTH Institutes of High Frequency Electronics (HFE) and Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Construction (SLA) were in Wolfurt, Austria, for a five-day trial to test, in particular, the changeover process in which the cabin is transferred from the chassis to the cable car guide. "With the test we wanted to show that it is possible to combine the advantages from the bus and cable car transport systems," says HFE employee Eduard Heidebrecht. "A complete success!"

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